Praise the LORD!
A wonderful regular VIDUDALA MEETING was conducted on
20.03.14 at Town Hall,NALGONDA. Pastor Vijay kumar started the meeting with his
opening prayer. Our worship teams sang melodious song to the glory of our GOD.
Pastor Sagar made the announcements and details of some of the testimonies,
such as Sister Yadamma from GHUNTIPALLI explained that she has shown a lump on
her neck to Pastor David and requested for the prayer in the last VIDUDALA
MEETING i.e. 06.03.14 now she shown her neck where there is no trace of the
lump it disappeared miraculously.PRIASE THE LORD. A ten year old boy from
PARCHUR village had a deformed leg, which he is to drag on the floor to walk, attended
our Sunday service and got prayed for the leg by Pastor.David,is totally healed
and he is walking normally and shared the testimony during this meeting. Pastor
David shared the word of GOD about Elisha and Elijah. Finally Pastor David lead
the people into a powerful prayer.Beofre closing the meeting he prayed for every individual person.
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