Sunday, 19 April 2015


Praise the lord

A wonderful vidudala meeting was held on 16.04.2015 at town hall Nalgonda. The meeting started with the opening prayer by Pastor Sunder. Our dedicated worship teams glorified our LORD with their melodious meaningful songs, Bro.Vinay & Bro.Prasad supported with music. Pastor Sagar made the announcements. One of our brothers from Narkatpally shared his testimony which was inspirational. Pastor David brought word of GOD on why to guard our mouth and he referred Eff. 5:4 and what not to speak, which is a common factor now days, and explained the GODs warning.
Pastor David lead the participants in to a deep and strong prayer and Pastor sunder sang leading and preparing participants for the prayer. Pastor David made the closing prayer and benediction. All the needy people were prayed for individually. Pastor Vijay, Pastor Sagar and our Women prayer group helped during the individual prayers.
Our boy’s team worked hard for setting up the stage, lighting and sound. The hall was packed with people and they were sitting outside the hall also.
It is surprising to note in every vidudala meeting many new people are coming from faraway places. In spite of our financial hardship we were able to feed all the participants a small dinner.

Praise the LORD once again for all these.

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