Friday, 5 June 2015



Means making a decision to stay without taking food for the purpose of having a deeper spiritual experience with God.

It is a common occurrence in the bible. Many bible saints fasted like Moses – 40 days (Exo 24:12-18, 34:26), Samuel (1 Sam 7:5-6), Esther (Esther 4:16), Jesus (Matt 4:1-2), John’s disciples, the apostles, the early Christians etc.

Kinds of Fasting.

1. Absolute fasting – when one does not Eat but drink only water. (This could be the fasting used by Jesus for he never complained of thirst).
2. Complete / Total / Normal fasting – No food but only liquids.

When did people pray in the bible?
1. when there was a disaster
2. when they were going through emotional problems
3. when there was grief
4. when there was anxiety or impending danger
5. when they received bad news
6. when God gave instructions to do so
7. when there was sin in the land
Because we still experience the above today, we need to fast.

Why should we fast?
1. To seek God when repenting as an individual or nation eg people of Nineveh repented during Jonah’s time (Jonah 3:5-10) by fasting and praying. They decided to God.
2. To humble ourselves before God – God does not like proud people. He resists them 1 Pet 5:5-6 James 4:10.
3. For God to give you direction on an issue – When confused and you don’t know what to do, seek God by fasting. Ezra fasted to ask God whether he should be assisted by the King or he should rely on God. Ezra 8:21
4. To gain victory over temptations or sin. To get victory over sins like malice, hatred, drinking, smoking, drug addiction, immorality, adolescence crisis etc. the powers that hold us are easily broken when we fast. Eph 6:10-13
5. To get protection from danger – During Esther’s time, Haman plotted how to kill all the Jews. Realizing they were in danger, they fasted and God killed him. The devil would wish to kill you, when you feel afraid, fast and pray.
6. Helps in casting demons. In Matthew 17:14-21, the disciples were unable to cast out demons in a boy. He told them this was only possible if they could have fasted and prayed.
7. Helps to release the power of God in us for ministry. Would you like to do more and to have more power as you serve God? Then fast. Acts 13:2-3
8. Helps us obtain favor from God – Special favors will require you to fast as you work your way. If you need a job favor, passing exams etc, ask God for that favor. Esther was granted favor before the king after fasting for 3 days.
9. It is commanded by God. God always commanded his people to return to him through fasting. Jesus told disciples in Matthew 6:16-18 ‘when you fast’ not ‘if’.
10. Helps us to obtain healing from God. Isa 58: says we shall receive quick healing when we fast. Drinking pure water during fasting is quite good as it eliminates toxic waste in the body. You can also get divine healing. During a fast, the body improves physically and spiritually
11. Helps us gain more understanding about God’s word. You gain great wisdom and understanding of God’s word when you fast.
12. Helps us to discipline ourselves. You can discipline your soul through fasting. Your heart starts longing for what God desires.
13. Helps us to put to death the carnal body so as to walk by the spirit. Praying and fasting helps you to put to death such evils. Col 3:5-6.
14. Helps us to purify our channels so that God can use us. Fasting enables God to clean our body, spirit and soul. Let prepare the way of the Lord in our lives. Isa 40:3.
15. Helps us obtain divine strength for tasks ahead. Paul got his strength in weakness. 2 Cor 12:9. He says ‘when I am weak I am strong’. You can achieve supernatural things through fasting.
16. Helps us to do more intensive prayer. Fasting is good for you. It will help you to be more prepared for what might happen later. Jesus told his 3 disciples to watch and pray so that they may not get tempted, but they slept. When the trial hour came, peter had to rely on his knife than God’s protection.
17. Helps to increase our spiritual level and starts revealing his plans and strategies to us.
18. Helps to increase our faith. Fasting breaks barriers of unbelief in our hearts. It strengthens our faith and helps us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, win souls to God’s kingdom, pray for the sick, improve our Christian life, do impossible things.
19. Helps us to take over a land for Jesus. For us to win a city or a nation to Jesus, we need to pray and fast over long periods. It requires us to be persistent – not giving up. Are you ready for this?
20. Can be done as a service and sacrifice to God. Anna, a prophetess in Luke 2:37 served God with prayers and fasting day and night. She did this in a way of serving God.
21. From Isaiah 58, the following are other advantages:
a.V8. Your light will break forth. You will prosper in health, relationship, material wise, school etc.
b. V8 Your righteousness shall go before you. You will have victory over sin.
c. V8. God will anoint you.
d. V9 God will always be at your service to answer you.
e. V11. God will continually guide you in all you do.
f. V11. God will provide for you, even during famine times
g. V11. You will be refreshed (renewed). You will be like a well watered garden
h. V12. God will use you to restore others.
i. V12. You shall rise up foundations. Things that were not will spring up because of your involvement.
j. V12. You will repair hopeless situations.
k. V14. God will promote you.
l. V14. You will be blessed and will bless.
22. Releases a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and restoration of God’s glory. Joel 1:8-14; 2:12-15; 2:23-29.
To be Contd.....
By Pastor DAVID. P. R

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