Friday 30 August 2013


By the grace of our mighty LORD, we are entering into second year of THE VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE)MEETINGS on 05.09.2013 .We invite the viewers/followers to attend the the “2nd Anniversary meeting” to be held on 05.09.2013 from 05.30pm onwards at Dr.B.R.AMBEDKAR CULTURAL AUDITORIUM, near S.P.T. Market,NALGONDA.
Please pray for the meeting arrangements, for the finances, for the organisers and for the participants.

Saturday 24 August 2013

7 People who work for Satan

1. Sorcerer                         : Acts 13:8, Revelation 21:8 and 18:23
2. Witches and Warlocks : Exodus 22:18 and Galatians 5:1920
3. Astrologers                    : Deuteronomy 28:1012
4. Soothsayers                  : (looking into future events) Joshua 13:22
5. Magicians                      : Genesis 41:8
6. Wizards                          : (highly skilled magician or sorcerer) Leviticus 19:31
7. Necromancers               : (consulting the dead) Deuteronomy 18:11

Sunday 18 August 2013


Bro.Sreekanth aged 13years, who completely read the Bible shared his testimony with congregation on 18.08.13.He said GOD blessed him so much that he is excelling in his studies as well as in sports. Recently he has won two gold medals for his performance in sports. He is made as deputy leader in the school. He says his prayers are always for his family people and for his village. He keeps notes on every message he heard in the church /meetings. He is able to tell us the gist of message of any date. He placed a prayer request for the salvation of his family and for his village people.

Bro. Elisha form Narketpally shared his testimony how GOD has cured him of the jaundice. His experiences with GOD during VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE)meetings. 

Saturday 17 August 2013


The VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) MEETING which was to be held on 15.08.13 was conducted on 16.08.13.It was continuously raining since two days  many culverts were overflowing  and the roads were flooded, hence eventhough people were ready to attend the meeting they could not make it. Few of the local people attended the meeting.  Our worship team praised the LORD with beautiful singing . Pastor. Sagar  explained about  the testimony of the one of the sister who was uneffected  after being bitten by  a scorpion. She is  allergic to any insect bites.Pastor. David  delivered message on holy spirit filling.
The meeting was closed with benediction by Pastor.Vijay    
If GOD willing the next meeting will be held on  05.09.2013. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FORTH COMING EVENTS.





Wednesday 14 August 2013


On 09.08.2013 there was a prayer meeting conducted for the pastors and believers and active members of the church.It was a day long meeting, participants prayed for the upcoming events and for the places which are newly added to the church and they prayed for the each other.Pastor David  shared word of GOD about calling to serve the LORD and about Samson, led the participants into a powerful prayer. PLEASE WATCH SOME OF THE SNAP SHOTS OF THE MEETING
Pastor.David leading Prayers 
Young participants praying

Pastors praying for each other

Pastors wives praying for each
Believers praying for each other

 Youth praying for each other
Participants praying

Young pastors at prayer


1 - PRIDE, which makes one feel superior to others is totally wrong. This sin was Lucifer’s downfall! The Bible says, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall”. (Prov. 15:8)

2 - GREED has caused more wars and created more gangsters and promoted more theft than any other sin.

The Bible says, “Thou shalt not COVET...” (Exodus 20:17) “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.” (1 Timothy 6:10-11)

3 - LUST is the desire for something not lawfully yours. A sensual desire for the forbidden fruit! It includes an inordinate desire for power, control, sex, substance abuse or wealth. Lust always brings spiritual death, in the end!

The Bible says, “Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” (James 1:15)

4 - ANGER or HATRED causes high blood pressure, ulcers, violent confrontation and even murder!

Jesus said, “But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

“If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.” (1 John 2:11; 3:15; 4:20-21)

5 - GLUTTONY is an over indulgence in eating. A phobia or inordinate desire to eat food, even when one is not hungry. A good rule is: Eat to live, not live to eat! A day of fasting & prayer each week does wonders for us - spiritually & physically!

Let’s use the extra money we save through fasting to give to the poor & needy and to support the poor and the orphaned!

6 - ENVY will also cause the blood pressure to rise and the demons of jealousy and pride to fabricate lies and even fantasies in a person, given over to this wicked sin!

The Bible says, “Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” (Romans 13:13-14)

7 - SLOTH goes hand in hand with laziness and poverty. St. Paul stated, "Be not slothful in business". (Romans 12:11) “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:10-12)

Thursday 1 August 2013


The next VIDUDALA(DELIVERANCE) MEETING is scheduled on 05.09.2013 will be conducted  at Town Hall, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, India at 5.30 p.m  Come and experience the presence of GOD and receive your healing and blessing.
Please pray for the meetings so the participants experience the awesome power of our Almighty LORD,and for the meeting to be conducted at KURNOOL CITY. 



Three Commands

The three commands of Christ are summed up as “Preach. Teach. Heal.” (Math 4:23) The authority of Jesus covers both teaching and healing. We are sent to teach what Christ taught and to do what Christ did. We do it “in His name”; that is, as His authorized representatives. He taught and acted in the Father’s name, and we teach and act in Jesus’ name. Everybody in the Church accepts that we must continue what Jesus began teaching, but we cannot just teach and omit what He did. We must heal as well as teach. If we don’t then there is no real continuation of Christ’s ministry. We have only completed half the task: “Go and make disciples … teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:19).


Why go to church?

Think of it like this. Candles stand in candlesticks, light bulbs go into light sockets, and trees grow in soil. Without candlesticks, candles would fall over. Without being plugged in, light bulbs would never shine. And without soil, trees would simply die. For Christians, the church is a candlestick, a power source, and somewhere to put down roots – so that you can stand, shine, and grow. Alongside the Bible and prayer, the church is one of the rich resources, which God has given us in our lives as Christians.

Interesting Iraq

IRAQ - Interesting info

Just in case you might think of Iraq as "only" an oil-rich nation, ruled by an evil dictator for 30 years, whether it has been supporting terrorists or may not be very important, here are a few important facts regarding the important history and roles that this nation has played down through history.


1. The garden of Eden was in Iraq. (It sure doesn't look much like Paradise on earth today thanks to Saddam)

2. Mesopotamia which is now Iraq was the cradle of civilization!

3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.

4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.

5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq!

6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor which is in Iraq.

7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.

8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq.

9. Assyria which is in Iraq conquered the ten tribes of Israel.

10. Amos cried out in Iraq!

11. Babylon which is in Iraq destroyed Jerusalem.

12. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq!

13. The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq (That's good news to know that JESUS has been in Iraq too as the 4th person in the fiery furnace!)

14. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in Iraq.

15. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.

16. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.

17. The wise men were from Iraq. (where are the "wise" men today?)

18. Peter preached in Iraq.

19. The "Empire of Man" described in Revelation is called Babylon which was a city in Iraq!

Sins 'N' Curse

Sins that bring a curse:

These need to be confessed and renounced.

Those who curse or mistreat Jews (Gen 12:3, Num 24:9)
Against willing deceivers (Josh 9:22-23, Jer 48:10, Gen 27:12)
On adulterous women (Num 5:27)
Disobedience to the Lord’s commandments (Deut 11:28, Dan 9:11, Jer 11:3)
Idolatry (Jer 44:8, Deut 29:1820,Exod 20:5, Deut 5:89)
Those who keep or own cursed objects (Deut 7:25, Josh 6:18)
Refusing to come to the Lord’s help (Judges 5:23)
House of the wicked (Prov 3:33)
Refusing to give to the poor (Prov 28:27)
Jerusalem is a curse to all nations if Jews rebel against God (Jer 26:46)
Thieves and those who swear falsely by the Lord’s name (Zech 5:4)
Ministers who fail to give the glory to God (Mal 2:12)
Those who rob God of tithes and offerings (Mal 3:89)
Those who hearken (listen) unto their wives instead of God (Gen3:17)
Those who dishonor their parents (Deut 27:16)
Those who create graven images (Deut 27:15)
Those who willfully cheat people out of their properties (Deut 27:17)
Those who take advantage of blind people (Deut 27:18)
Those who oppress strangers, widows, or fatherless (Deut 27:19,Exod 22:22-24)
He who lies (has sex with) with his father’s wife (Deut 27:20)
He who lies (has sex with) with any animal (Deut 27:21, Exodus 22:19)
He who lies with (has sex with) his sister (incest) (Deut 27:22)
Those who smite (strike) their neighbors secretly (Deut 27:24)
Adulterers (Deut 22:22-27, Job 24:1518)
The proud (Ps 119:21)
Those who trust in man (or the flesh) and not in the Lord (Jer 17:5)
Those who do the work of the Lord deceitfully (Jer 48:10)
Those who reward evil for good (Prov 17:13)
Illegitimate children (for 10 generations) (Deut 23:2)
Murderers (Exod 21:12)
Those who murder deliberately (Exod 21:14)
Children who strike their parents (Exod 21:15)
Kidnappers (Exod 21:16, Deut 24:7)
Those who curse their parents (Exod 21:17)
Those who cause the unborn to die (Exod 21:22-23)
Those who do not prevent death (Ex 21:29)
Witchcraft practitioners (Exod 22:18)
Those who sacrifice (worship) to false gods (Exod 22:20)
Those who attempt to turn anyone away from the Lord (Deut 13:6-18)
Those who follow horoscopes (astrology) (Deut 17:25)
Those who rebel against pastors and leaders (Deut 17:12)
False prophets (Deut 18:1922)
Women who do not keep their virginity until married (Deut 22:13-21)
Parents who do not discipline their children, but honor them above God (1Sam 2:27-36)
Those who curse their rulers (Exod 22:28, 1Kings 2:89)
Those who teach rebellion against the Lord (Jer 28:1617)
Those who refuse to warn sinners (Ezek 3:1821)
Those who defile the Sabbath (Exod 31:14, Num 15:3236)
Those who sacrifice human beings (Lev 20:2)
Participants in séances and fortunetelling (Lev 20:6)
Those involved in homosexual and lesbian relationships (Lev 20:13)
Necromancers (those who consult the dead) and fortune tellers (Lev 20:27)
Those who blaspheme the Lord’s name (Lev 24:1516)
Those who are carnally minded (Rom 8:6)
Those who practice sodomy (Gen 19:5-15,24-25)
Rebellious children ((Deut 21:18-21)
Those who tolerate a Jezebel spirit (Revelation 2:20-23)