
Bro.Balraj shared his testimony  in Sunday service. He told that he was sick and financially broke sometimes his financial condition was so poor that he didn’t have food to eat. He used to drive the auto rickshaw for his livelyhood.He didn’t have enough money to hire an auto. His wife is pregnant and had a severe headache. He  came to the VIDUDALA meetings and Pastor David prayed for him. God has cleared his problems miraculously. The people who refused to finance him helped him and given him an auto . After the prayer his wife relieved of her  head ache.

Bro.Saidulu explained his father’s testimony. Bro.Saidulu came to the church in the month of February  and completed his 40 days fastings.Becuase of him many of his relatives and villagers believed in our LORD JESUS. His father is 82 years old and suffered  with kidney problems and doctors told him at that age it is not curable moreover he is suffering with dysentery. He rang up to the church for prayer. By HIS grace he is cured and came back to home. After some days  again he had illness, on examination it was found that he had a heart problem when he was taken to hospital he was told that his heart is too weak and it is difficult  to give him treatment  again Bro.saidulu rang up to church for prayer our awesome GOD cured him . Again the Satan attacked him this time he fell and broke his hip bone and doctor refused to treat him unless a physician certifies that it is ok to perform surgery on him. He was operated with no hope of the broken bone joining. The church was praying for him . Bro.Saidulu ‘s strong faith in the GOD made it possible to join the bone. For people at the age of 82 it is difficult to walk soon,mirraculously ha was walking with the support of a chair, he was given a walker which he used it not more than 20 days then he started walking with the support of a stick. MOST AMAZING THING IS THAT HE CLIMBED A THREE STORIED BUILDING ALONE TO SEE HIS DAUGHTER.  Praise the lord. Bro. Saidulu had many more problems after he put his strong faith in the LORD, yet he directed many of his relatives and villagers  the LORD.
Please pray for him

 Sis.Gouri  told us in her testimony that she is in her 4th year B.Tech (Engineering),her father had kidney problem and she used to take care of him. She used to come along with her father to the church. She had not believed in GOD and remained a nominal Christian for many days .Later on she took baptism and fasted for 40 days. Her father expired but she did not stop coming to the church and attended the VIDUDALA meetings regularly. After hearing the testimony of Pastor David’s wife ,Mrs. Mary Sylvia  and how she is to pray and read the bible continuously when her mother was sick, inspired her and she took up bible reading and started prayers. Her relatives told her why to pray the GOD when her father was not saved from the death. However she continued to attend the meeting  with an intention to pray for the people who are suffering like her father. She prepared for one year for 40 days fasting     
     She says she is blessed with good knowledge and with good financial position. Her brother who studied in telugu medium got admission in a reputed engineering college in Hyderabad. She spent her preparatory holidays in fasting and went to the exams without studying. It  is surprising that  she scored 84% marks. Her another brother got seat in an top college in Bangalore .He has got seat in Indian Institute of space technology.
Please pray , as requested for her, her family and for her village.

Pastor.David P.R
Main Pastor
Praise the Lord. 
I'm Pastor.P.R.David from House of Prayer Church, Nalgonda.I accepted Lord Jesus Christ as my saviour at the age of 15 and got baptized. I had  a zeal in my heart to serve the Lord at the age of 20 when I was fasting and praying for 40 days(day and night) in my church.GOD called and anointed me for full time ministry according to Joshua 1:3-9.GOD has tougt many things like obedience, faithfully serving the lord through my Pastor who is a very Example to me. From then on with a burning desire I started preaching the Gospel of  Lord Jesus Christ to unsaved people for the expansion of GODs kingdom. In many remote villages in Nalgonda district.I used to walk and preach the gospel to poorest of poor people in early days. In Nalgonda the church has been established on 1997,there is great revival and many souls got saved, baptized and blessed, by GOD’s grace many healings and deliverances  are taking place for the glory of God. In several places many churches got established and presently few humble pastors(fulltime) and many laymen serving God in all this branches. By the grace of God we have currently covered 112 villages in the District.

Fellow Pastor
I am Vallamalla Vinodkumar born in a Christian family and as said I am a Christmas Christian only. But I have a fear of GOD. I was knowing very little about GOD as evangilists used come to our village and conduct gospel meetings. Every Sunday a Pastor used come to our village for night prayers.  I have never tried to pray and read the Bible on my own. Even though I didn't recognize my GOD, HE remembered me and enriched me with intelligence so that I could excel in my studies.I slide back in my education because of friends. One  day I found a pamphlet on the road which was titled as DO YOU HAVE A BURNING HEART FOR THE GOD?  After reading it I was afraid and disturbed, however I forgot  about it. My GOD has not forsaken me, I could successfully complete my training, got a job as teacher and got married to a teacher.In the year 2001 my sister had  a fever   which was diagnosed as typhoid and her eyes were rolled back showing only white portion of the eye and her head was thrown back ward. Doctors  advised us to take her to Hyderabad city for better treatment. My younger brother was in the city studying engineering, advised me to take her to  Pastor. David in HOUSE OF PRAYER CHURCH – NALGONDA.   My cousin sister also emphasized the same.  I thought going to a church is a waste of time .  Pastor. David prayed and told us the sickness is caused not for the death but for our family revival .He advised us to go praying all the way. It was raining heavily The cab driver stopped the vehicle and said he cannot drive since the road is not visible due to rain. I tried to straighten my sister head but in  vain. I started chanting “In the blood of Jesus we have the victory”.  While I was chanting I felt her head was straightened She opened her eyes and asked for water. PRAISE THE LORD. She was healed after the prayer .We took her to a famous hospital for checkup. She was thoroughly checked from head toe and declared that she is perfectly alright.Me and my wife we were working as teachers in different places which are 150 kms apart. When  Pastor. David prayed for our transfers, miraculously we both were transferred to nearest places for which many teachers wait for long. I am blessed with two sons and two houses also. He kept me in financially sound position. All these things happened only because of my salvation and of my pastor’s prayers.As prophesied we are serving the LORD as a  whole family  in HOUSE OF PRAYER CHURH  - NALGONDA. In the year 2007 I fasted for 40 days victoriously. Now We are leading a Christ centered life.
May GOD bless this testimony.

Fellow Pastor
I am Mandala Venkataiah from Madugulapalli village under Nalgonda District,Andhra pradesh,India. I am from a Hindu background and I used to worship idols.I was not knowing who is Jesus and I used to oppose people who preaches gospel of Jesus Christ. My parents worked hard to take care of us and for my education. I got job in my young age.  One of my cousin sister also used to worship idols. She fell sick and consulted many doctors but in vain. She came to know about Jesus christ. Because of her salvation in the Christ she was healed from her sickness. I realized that Jesus Christ is the true GOD and what I am worshiping is nothing but mere lifeless idols.I got married to a Christian girl on 25th April 1993. we went to a church in Hyderabad city. God servant  told us about the salvation and how Jesus Christ has born as a human being died on the cross, rose again and ascended to heaven. He will be coming back for me. I realized  HIS love and confessed my sins. I was baptized. Even after the salvation I was not attending the church. After my wife’s baptism we went HOUSE OF PRAYER CHURCH – NALGONDA, where  through Pastor. David we learned more about the GOD’s Love and HIS Value.We received our blessings in our family after my wife completed her 40 days fasting and prayers. We have two children a boy and a girl. We brought up our children in the fear of GOD as we believe that as per Bible the knowledge is from GOD (Ps 111.10) God blessed our children with good education knowledge and they are talented to be used in HIS service in youth ministry.On my completion of 40 days fasting prayers, I was blessed and received many more promises. GOD rescued me from many deadly accidents and kept me alive to share my testimony.Now, Me and my family as a whole we are serving our LORD. As said in Joshua 24:15 we pray that we would like to be his faithful servants till death.All glory to Our LORD Jesuschrist who washed me with HIS blood, stamped me , molded me as his dear pot  and leading me in HIS way. I thank for all things that GOD has done in my life.
My GOD bless this testimony.

Pastor. S.Biksham
Fellow Pastor
My name is S.Bhiksham , I am from Nalgonda dist. Tripparthi   mandal , Madugulapalli village. We were IDOL worshippers. I had a belief that Lord Jesus is an  American God and all the pastors are living on foreign funds and cheating the people. I hated Christians as they were not leading a Christian life and involved in adultery and alcoholic life.Hence I used to rebuke Christians and I hated the servants of GOD.I have four daughters, one of them Sujatha who  was studying  in A.P.S.W.R  school, her teacher shared about Jesus and  my daughter accepted Jesus as her personal saviour. After her intermediate she started attending House Of Prayer Church- Nalagonda, without my knowledge, she was praying and reading the Bible secretly. When I saw, I scolded her and told her not to read the Bible and not to attend the church. She tried to convince me that all Christians are not the same , and not to abuse pastor David .Sujatha fasted for 40 days without my knowledge and asked me to come to the break, I said I will not come to that place. During this time my elder daughter Yadamma had white patches on her body, which was embarrassing to my family as my relatives and her in- laws started gossiping that it was leprosy, and sent her to our home. After listening to Sujatha’s testimony , she took baptism and fasted for 40 days .she applied prayer oil every day ,she was healed miraculously, although she was taking medicine there was no change. God healed her. Glory to the Lord!!!After seeing this miracle ,my eyes were opened, I realised that Lord Jesus is the true living God and on 24-5-1994 my wife and myself took baptism ,we both fasted for 40 days ,my wife was healed and delivered from asthma. I was delivered from addictions and other bondages !! All Glory to God. In this way my family came under the wings of the loving Lord. We have peace, joy, happiness and God prospered us ! Once people mocked us that we have four daughters and today God has blessed them with government jobs and are living as testimony to God. Now we as a family are in Gods ministry .God has wiped our tears and gave us his joy. Glory to God. According to psalms 34:6,  God heard our cry, answered us and saved us from all our troubles. I thank God for all the blessings he had showered upon us , I give all glory to him.I pray that God’s grace be upon my daughters and God will settle their lives according to his will .Please pray for them.At present I am ministering at Errabelli village. Souls are being  saved , many are healed .One day at  midnight I received a call that a small child had terrible pain in her stomach, when I prayed over the phone the child was healed instantly ! In this way God is doing many miracles and is glorifying his Name.I thank God for my pastor David , who has strengthened us in growing spiritually. He is an example to us in all ways; He has shown us Gods love. Please pray that myself and my family will be faithful in Gods service and in loving Him till His second coming.
I am Vijay kumar born in a nominal Christian family. Completed Bachelor Of Engineering from Osmania university which is one of the renowned universities of India. I am a occasional church goer had no relationship with Christ.In the year 2001 a believer invited me to attend a Saturday night service for the youth in a spirit filled church in the Hyderabad city. Pastor shared message from the book of Timothy. The  topic was on “BE YE AN EXAMPLE TO THE BELIVER”  and lastly he prayed for the Holy spirit filling. That night I encountered GOD, which totally transformed my life.As the days are passing by I never given a heed to GOD’s calling I started searching for a best and honorable employment after completion of my course. But GOD spoke to my spirit to leave the city . I started fasting and  praying, GOD guided me to a church called HOUSE OF PRAYER CHURCH – NALGONDA in Nalgonda town, where people are Loved and Cared and GOD was given first priority in every thing.GOD has called me for  full-time service when I was fasting and praying for 40days.  I started serving our awesome GOD with our Pastor Brother. David. Now I am pastoring a branch church at THIMMANNA GUDEM(Nalgonda district) which is under HOPC-NLG. GOD is using me  as HIS tool to teach and preach the WORD, to heal the sick  and to set free the people from bondages. Many people got saved accepted JESUS as their personal savior and came forward to be baptized in name of LORD JESUS CHRIST

Pastor. N.Madhusudan
Fellow Pastor
I am Madhusudan from Madugulapalli village under Nalgonda district. I lost my parents in my childhood. I was a rotten man with so many bad habits such as adultery,alcoholism etc. I was introduced to JESUS by my sister and baptized.When I was praying at my home I was scolded saying that I brought some new religion into the house. I was so afraid I have backslide into my earlier rotten life. I was working as a labor in small mill one day while I was working my right knee pained I thought it was just a sprain whereas after one week my leg stopped working. I went to hospital for treatment which was failed. After some days my left hand was paralyzed went to many hospital no where I could be cured. People said because of my bad habits in the past now I am suffering. One day an evil spirit told me that I will not be living for more than 21 days, and from that day onward my health started deteriorating. I felt an evil spirit flying on my chest and I was so afraid that I took my two children and wept. These things happened from the day I have backslide. One day when I was alone at home  a cobra came into the house, it almost touched my body when I looked at it  opened its hood as if to strike me. It dipped its mouth in the glass of water I was to drink. It disappeared when I thought of striking it with a stick. Again the evil spirit told me that I will surely be dying within 21 days. When my wife prayed for me I felt relief and the flying evil spirit is to disappear. I asked my wife to take me to a church. She took me to HOUSE OF PRAYER CHURCH-NALGONDA. Pastor. David applied prayer oil and told me not fear and  I will not be dying. He told me to be in fasting and pray for 7 days. I murmured how  can I fast and pray when I am going to die soon. I dreamt as, I have been under a charm done by own relatives.  I was advised to be in  40 days fasting and prayer.  On 36 the day I was pushed by a evil spirit from the stair case. On 38th day I was shown a burning fire where people are  burning  and I was told if I backslide again I will also be  in the fire. On 40 the day  all the evil spirits in me left . After 20 days of my fasting prayer I became normal my leg and hand was healed.  Now along with my wife we are serving the LORD and living for the Christ alone . My both sons lived in the church and studied. My elder son completed his engineering course and my second son is pursuing engineering course.