Wednesday 9 October 2013


Praise the LORD

Today there was a day long youth meeting held at our church premises, where all the youth from our branch churches attended the meeting. We have not expected much of attendance since there were meetings continuously in the church, but to our surprise a total number of 132 youngster attended the meeting. There was a very good praise and worship by the worship teams. The message by Pastor David , is of heart piercing one. Highlight of the meeting is the ending prayer where people are asked to hold each other’s hands and pray for each other. The prayer was a led by Pastor David. We have not invited any guest speaker or guests to attend the meeting due to constraint funds position.

Watch the snap shots in


Tuesday 8 October 2013


Praise the LORD !

Today our church celebrated its 5th anniversary. Even though the ministry started 12 years ago the church is constructed 5 years back.Because of funds constraint we could not invite the guests. we have invited all our pastors and church members. Our Sunday school children presented skits,choreography.Our senior Sunday school children sang to the glory of our LORD.Our prayer groups and worship team of boys and girls sang beautiful songs for the glory of our GOD. Pastor. David gave GOD's message on anointing and Holy Spirit filling.It was a wonderful message. And the day ended with a love feast.

Watch the GALLERY section for photos


Sunday 6 October 2013

Prayer meeting at NOMULA village

Praise the LORD
At the request of the NOMULA village people we have conducted a prayer meeting at the village on 01.10.13 evening.Pastors team and the some of the church members were present for the meeting. The villagers requested us to start a church as many christian families are there. As a begining we have conducted this prayer meeting. We have shown them a small video and part of  PASSION OF CHRIST video. Pastor David delivered GOD's message on salvation and prayed for the people. All other pastors prayed for the needy people.
Please pray as we plan to start a church soon.
Watch some of the photos taken in ourGALLERY section 

Friday 4 October 2013


Praise the LORD !
The usual VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE)MEETING was held on 03.09.2013 at Town Hall, NALGONDA. Our awesome GOD has averted a major mishap while our worship team was glorifying GOD. The building is a very old building without proper maintenance by the authorities. The building was wet and damp due to rains and all the electrical connections were very old and loose. Suddenly there was a big sound and blackout and the room where the main power lines are installed was in flames. We could not open the room since it was locked and the caretaker was away. Our church member who is a electrician immidietly disconnected the main supply and broke open the room .The fire was extinguished.
We gave a temporary connection with minimum lighting and sound and continued the meeting. There was 75% of new people. Pastor David’s message was on SIN and REPENTANCE, which was very well acknowledged by the participants. Lastly Pastor David prayed for the sick and needy people.
The fire incident has not disturbed the meeting .


Tuesday 1 October 2013


Praise the LORD !

By the grace of our Almighty LORD, we could conduct gospel meetings at NANDYAL and KURNOOL on 25,26,&27.09.13.There was tension among us as there was disturbance in the area. The roads were closed by agitators. However the meetings were conducted to the glory of our GOD. Our team was of 22 members. We carried all our equipments including that of our ration for cooking as we don’t want to be a burden for local organizers.
In NANDYAL ,where every month two to three meetings were conducted by big ministries, the people are saturated with word of GOD . In a very humble way we have conducted the meetings in a small semi open place. Most of the audience sat outside of the venue in open grounds as it was hot inside the venue.
In KURNOOL, the auditorium was small with a capacity of 200 people only. The agitators forcibly occupied the auditorium assuring us they will vacate it by 2’o clock noon, but miraculously their meeting was cancelled and the auditorium was handed over to us in the morning.
In both the places our youngsters worked tremendously and arranged the stage. Their physical exertion was beyond our imagination. They have traveled 358 kms in a truck in the night. They didn’t have sleep in the truck due to bumps. Our worship team sang beautifully to the glory of our LORD. Many people asked for CDs.
The message so effective and pierced into the hearts like an arrow, many people committed to live for JESUS. During the prayers many stubborn people including children were prostrated. One of the pastor who attended said that the message is so powerful that he wanted these type of meetings in his place. In KURNOOL a lady suddenly started speaking in tongues.
Now , many people rang up and asked for baptism. We may have to make one more trip to these places. The hospitality was good the response was good, the co-operation of the local people and youth was very good especially in kurnool.GOD’s work and the HOLYSPIRIT movement was sensed. It’s HIS work not by our efforts that we could effectively conduct the meetings .
The requests are coming from other places for conducting the meeting.

Watch the GALLERYsection for some of the photos taken.