Thursday 24 September 2015


Praise the LORD!

A night of reconciliation and prayer for fulfillment of GOD’s promises in our lives and in the ministry. Our congregation members and branch church members gathered in the premises of NALGONDA church for a night of prayer.

We had been looking forward to meet for a night prayer for a long time. During our fasting and prayers GOD has promised many blessing for the church, ministry and to the members. Last night we as church met for a night of fasting and prayer. Many people came, church was full. Pastor Srihari made the opening prayer and worship teams led the congregation in glorifying the LORD. Mrs. Sylvia David reminded the GODs promises and made the preface of the importance of the night prayer and how GOD is going to change the lives of people. There was a break for tea. Pastor David dispersed the word of GOD. He led the participants into emotional strong prayers for reconciliation and repentance. Members prayed for themselves, relatives, friends, and for their villages. Every one of them prayed for themselves. It is an uncontrollable emotional scene. Every one’s eyes were wet. It was 12 o clock in the night and then there was a break for fasting break, snacks were served. After we gathered Pastor David led the congregation into thanks giving, for Holy Spirit filling, for their calling and for talents to serve HIM. ITS WONDERFUL SIGHT TO SEE MANY PEOPLE PRAYING IN TONGUES.

There were special prayers for the expansion of ministry and extension of church premises. Even though vacant land is available around the church and the owners are ready to sell it to us we are not in position to buy them due to financial crisis. GOD HAS PROMISED US A BIGGER CHURCH AND A BIGGER MINISTRY.

Pastor David made the closing prayer and Bro.Vinod kumar gave the benediction.

Prayers started at 9.00pm ended 2.00am. All the participants were active till the end of prayer and reluctant to leave the church. We thank, praise and glorify our awesome GOD for giving us a wonderful congregation.


Friday 18 September 2015


Praise the LORD!

The first VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) meeting after the 4th anniversary held on 17.09.15 at regular place Town Hall in NALGONDA. Even though it rained before the meeting many people attended the meeting. People were sitting outside the hall.

Pastor Vijay Kumar started the meeting with opening prayer. Our worship teams sang and gave their best in worshiping the LORD GOD. We thank our GOD for giving us anointed youth and elders who can lay hands on the people and pray for their needs. Pastor Sagar made the announcements and narrated the testimony about our KODAD church (which is separately posted).Pastor David delivered the word of GOD. He led the participants into deep prayer. Bro.vinod kumar made the closing prayer. There on wards Pastor David prayed for the individuals along with fellow pastors.

All the people who came from faraway places were served a simple dinner. Expenditure reduced on buying vegetables as they are grown in church yard by the youth members who stay in the church and are taken care by the church.


Sunday 13 September 2015


Praise the LORD!
During Sunday service there were two praise reports we would like to share. It’s shared to acknowledge how great and able our GOD is. The names are withheld on request. One sister said her son was to get admission in a college and they have to submit certain certificates which are issued by state government. It normally takes minimum week days to obtain, where as the very next day was the last date for admission. She prayed and placed the prayer request at the church. miraculously they issued the certificates and the boy got admitted in the college.
In another testimony by a sister she said she suffered severe stomach pain and she requested her son to take her to church for prayers. She came to the church, Pastor David prayed for her and said everything will be normal nothing to worry. She went to hospital where they said she had a swollen kidney may be she needed an operation after getting the result of scans. She was praying all the for while negative result and requested the church to pray for her because she knows the members pray very sincerely. The results say there are no kidney stones and its only fat accumulation. Now she is normal.
Another praise report came in the evening over phone from NANDYAL, during the deliverance meetings one person came for prayer and gave a prayer request. Pastor David prayed and told him GOD is going to clear all his financial problems. Well this happened long back, the man Bro.Bhasker, now rang up to the church and shared his testimony, that GOD did a miracle and a now he is free from all his problems.
Praise the LORD for all HIS doings.

Monday 7 September 2015


Praise the LORD!

It gives us immense pleasure to write this about the wonderful deeds of our GOD in our ministry. Our 4th VIDUDALA anniversary thanks giving prayers and celebrations were a great tribute to our awesome GOD. We are ever grateful for HIS choice to choose us as HIS tools.

The meeting was arranged in a big auditorium to accommodate big crowd. As expected the hall was full and we arranged extra chairs in the gangways. The stage and lighting was awesome. Our boys youth team stayed awake all-night in fixing and decorating the stage and GOD blessed their efforts, and the output was superb.

Pastor Sundar made the opening prayer followed by our women prayer group and girls youth team presented the worship with their beautiful melodious singing. Our senior Sunday school children’s choreography for the Hindi song “KHUDA NAJAAT HAI” by Bro. Anil Kant was beautiful and the audience applauded loud. Our young girls’ team performed a dance for the song “DIN HAI KHUSHI KA”sung by shreya Kant was fabulous and the audience was happy and appreciated. Both these choreographs were well performed and at ease. Their hard works intense practice is recognized. WE THANK GOD FOR GIVING US WELL TALENTED FAITHFUL STRONG BELIEVERS AS A WORSHIP TEAM.

Our fellow pastors presented a skit compromising of biblical characters such as rich man, a hypocrite, a nominal Christian etc.and their judgment. It was thought provoking and people engrossed in the act and some people were afraid. The sound effects, background settings such as heaven and hell, the getup and the dialogues of the actors were well appreciated.

Our boys youth team presented a skit named as A LETTER FROM HELL, made an impact on the audience. They have also presented another skit DEVIL UNDER MY FEET. Both the skits were very good both are highlighted only because of their outstanding performance. All the skits are elevated because of its ambiance on the stage and background score.

Our girls team performed a dance for the song “JESUS, LAMB OF GOD, WORTHY IS YOUR NAME “It was well performed there was grace in the dance. Pastor Sagar made the announcements. Pastor David conveyed the GOD s word. Guest Pastor Prakash from Sion Fellowship, made the ending prayer and Pastor Dass who is my tenant closed the meeting with his benediction. There on deliverance prayers were made for the needy people.

Our boy worked so hard they were awake all night for making the stage and other arrangements. We are short of words to explain their efforts. We are proud to have this dedicated, responsible, talented and above all a GOD fearing and strong believers as our youth. We are ever grateful to GOD for providing such a team of people. We have not hired either manpower or the equipment from outside. GOD provided us everything needed. We were gifted with a good pickup van for the church.

There was a delicious love feast prepared by the church members.

We once again acknowledge His grace, mercy and HIS awesomeness all the credit, praise and glory to HIM only.