Saturday 3 September 2016

vidudala meeting at nalgonda on 01.09.2016

What a year! To GOD be the glory for great things he has done! HE has continued to move  mightily in all these four years. We celebrated 5th Anniversary of “VIDUDALA MEETINGS” on 1st September 2016.We as a church are intensely aware that GOD is revealing that everything to this point is a foretaste of what is to come! You and I have seen glorious days. Yet I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that nothing can compare to the glory of the days we are living in right now. And I know the glory of GOD will increase more and more during this year 2016 as we continue going around preaching the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST our precious Redeemer. Yes, it is true that the situation on earth has never been more dangerous and our time never more limited. Therefore we must get the gospel out with all speed and intensity. Souls are crying out for the true Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, the Gospel of salvation, Gospel of deliverance and the Gospel of peace.
Vidudala 5th Anniversary meeting started by opening prayer of Pastor Sunder and carried on by praise and worship songs by youth boy’s team, women’sprayer team and youth girl’s choir. And Pastor David shared the word of GOD on “prepare your hearts”. According to [2 chronicles 12:14] “And he did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD”. The gist of the message is “Yes! I have seen hundreds of people who genuinely loved the LORD at one time and were excited about the things of the GOD, yet they grown cold and backslide. How can this be, why does this happen? It’s all because they didn’t PREPARED their heart to seek the LORD! Eg: Rehoboam the grandson of King David. But the one who prepared truly and sought the LORD was David even though he had a chance to kill soul and siege the throne which was rightfully his... but David already prepared his heart that he would not take the kingdom by killing soul. Many were touched by the word of GOD. Meeting ended with the prayer  pastor Sylvia David and followed delicious dinner….

-Posted by church media team


Wednesday 10 August 2016

vidudala meeting at nalgonda on 05.082016

Nalgonda VIDUDALA meeting held on 04.08.2016 at Town hall is another blessed time with LORD GOD and with all his beloved people. It is really what a great to be His presence along with saints of GOD. Opening prayer was done by Bro. Venkat sir followed by praise and worship by youth boy’s, women’s and senior girl’s teams.
Pastor David delivered message on “The cost of following JESUS and surrender to His call” what does JESUS expect of his disciples? How do you respond to Jesus “FOLLOW ME” Luke 9:56-62 give an a whole different set of answers what we would normally say or tell “BUT FIRST” .
Is JESUS calling us to follow Him? I believe HE is... we are called to be Christian. We are called to model our lives after Him. Sometime’s there is huge cost, sometimes the cost is Low but there is always a cost.
The call to follow Christ is LIFE CALL well you follow Christ unconditionally or is something else you feel you need to do “DO FIRST”.
Many were touched by the WORD of GOD during the worship and the prayer time, many were delivered by the power of GOD. And the meeting ended by Pastor Sager closing prayer and benediction.
-Posted by church media Team

Saturday 6 August 2016

vidudala meeting at kodad on 02.08.2016

          Kodad VIDUDALA meeting was held on 2nd august 2016 was having a great input on people particularly this time. Many attended by watching Live TV program. Pastor Sunder started the meeting with his opening prayer and carved on by praise & worship songs by youth boy’s and women’s prayer group team.
          After that Pastor P R David delivered message GOD’s desires in our life’s -“Our ultimate goal is to stand before the throne of GOD without spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without blemish” Ephesians 5:27  many people received this word and cried unto LORD.GOD’S presence was so heavy that Pastor David started to prophesy that GOD is going to change the tough situations of the people, through Live TV program GOD is going to touch their families, tumors, sickness, debts are going to be broken. This was a new experience. All praises to our GOD alone! The ending prayer and benediction was given by Pastor Vijay Kumar.
-Posted by church media Team                                       

Saturday 9 July 2016

vidudala meeting at nalgonda on 7.7.16

                              The vidudala meeting  held on 7.7.2016 at nalgonda was a new experience. The hall and premises was packed with people who were full of hunger for GOD. Pastor Vijay made the opening prayer and our worship teams praised GOD with melodious songs. We had  some new faces as well as pastors from local areas. We had a great services where we heard about word of GOD  on  psalm chapter 1 .There are only two life styles- THE GODLY AND THE WICKED GROUP(two groups)
               According to the word of GOD ,one should be either righteous or wicked, but there is no other third group, no other choice.
Example -GOD said, there are only:
                              1.            TWO ROADS -The narrow path and the wide path, no third one
                              2.            TWO TREES- Good fruit and bad fruit, no other fruit
                              3.            TWO FOUNDATIONS - Built on rock and sand, no other foundation
                              4.            TWO GATES- Heaven and hell, no other third gate
               Not lukewarm or nominal Christian, there is  no third alternative choice. you are either characterized by godliness or wickedness . there is no third category, either you should be on Fire for the LORD or doom/lost
               Many made professions of salvation and were touched by the move of the Holy Spirit. All were delighted with the touch of GOD they received.