Wednesday 10 August 2016

vidudala meeting at nalgonda on 05.082016

Nalgonda VIDUDALA meeting held on 04.08.2016 at Town hall is another blessed time with LORD GOD and with all his beloved people. It is really what a great to be His presence along with saints of GOD. Opening prayer was done by Bro. Venkat sir followed by praise and worship by youth boy’s, women’s and senior girl’s teams.
Pastor David delivered message on “The cost of following JESUS and surrender to His call” what does JESUS expect of his disciples? How do you respond to Jesus “FOLLOW ME” Luke 9:56-62 give an a whole different set of answers what we would normally say or tell “BUT FIRST” .
Is JESUS calling us to follow Him? I believe HE is... we are called to be Christian. We are called to model our lives after Him. Sometime’s there is huge cost, sometimes the cost is Low but there is always a cost.
The call to follow Christ is LIFE CALL well you follow Christ unconditionally or is something else you feel you need to do “DO FIRST”.
Many were touched by the WORD of GOD during the worship and the prayer time, many were delivered by the power of GOD. And the meeting ended by Pastor Sager closing prayer and benediction.
-Posted by church media Team

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