Monday 16 September 2013


(Eight great steps to keep your church weak).

1. Don't talk about the Hell or the Judgments of God. You can talk about Love, Mercy forgiveness. But Wrath, Judgments & Hell are not popular anymore.
2. Don't talk about speaking in tongues, because of it's strangeness, you don't want to scare anyone away.
3. Don't talk about deliverance, demonic attacks or Spiritual warfare, these subjects are only for select few, not everyone.
4. Don't acknowledge any current prophets, any current visions, or any current prophesies. You'll need to protect your church's reputation from anything controversial. If someone in your congregation is getting vision or prophecies, talk to them privately but don't let the congregation know about these.
5. Don't use the Laying on of Hands.
6. Preach the Cross is a way as to make people think they need to pick up one.
7. Don't talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit, just assume that once a person says a little prayer and attends church, that he is already full of the Spirit, and nothing else is needed.
8. A 5 minute prayer before the sermon and other meetings should be enough

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