Thursday 7 November 2013

Miracle at DANDELI

My younger brother’s son B.Noel victor kumar is blessed with a daughter on 29.10.13 at Dandeli in Karnataka state, India. The baby girl born with the umbilical cord around her neck and born 10 days beyond due date thereby she swallowed much fluids which may lead to complications. The baby did not cry for three days she was in an incubator with oxygen. Parents were worried and on 31.10.13 doctor told them the baby condition is not good and they should be prepared for anything. The mother rang up to Pastor David requested for a prayer. Pastor David told her to keep the cellphone in incubator with speaker on and prayed. After three days of the birth the baby cried and opened her eyes after the prayer, PRAISE THE LORD, then onward her health started improving by evening they removed oxygen and the bay is out of incubator. She was fed with mother milk. Today evening that is 05.11.13 she is discharged from the hospital and they are on their way to home.

Look into Gallery for photos

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