Friday 27 December 2013


Praise the LORD!

Yesterday i.e. 27.12.13 evening we had a thanks giving prayer for the successful events of this Christmas season. All the people who struggled hard to make the events a grand success attended the meeting. Almost all the church members involved and participated in carols and other events. The carol party visited a total of 30 villages where carols as well as gospel meeting were conducted. By the grace of our GOD there is no untoward incidents, a major mishap was averted by our awesome GOD.I have already posted some snaps of the tempo wheel which was on one nut.

Pastor David gave a short message on HOW THE WORLD SHOULD HAVE BEEN IF THE CHRIST IS NOT BORNE? and Led the thanks giving prayer. At one point of time he became so emotional when he explained how the church members, feeling as a family supported the church physically and financially.

Bro.Paul who came from Hyderabad along with Bro.Joseph and his friends, Prayed for the food prepared for the love feast.

Finally we had a delicious fellowship dinner.

Go to THANKS GIVING PRAYER 27.12.2013 at our gallery section


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