Saturday 12 April 2014

Vidudala Meeting At CSI HOLY TRINITY CHURCH,Sriram nagar,KURNOOL ON 09.04.14

Praise the LORD!
On 09.04.14, we have conducted the VIDUDALA MEETING at CSI HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Sriram Nagar,KURNOOL. Bro.WILSON MOSES and his team Members worked hard in placing the BANNERS in the city and distributing hand bills. They have cancelled the evening prayers to accommodate our meeting. Rev M.C.Yesuratnam was kind enough in permitting the meeting at church premises.
Since the church is small people were sitting outside watching the meeting on the LCD screen.The message was good and the prayers were strong. We have received 52 prayer requests from the congregation.
All Glory to HIM only.



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