Friday 30 May 2014


“Declare a holy fast call a sacred assembly summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the lord your god and cry out to the LORD” (Joel 1:14)

More than 100 are fasting and praying, continuously, whole heartedly and with full of burden.
They begin their day with their personal prayer and meditate on the word of GOD. This lasts from 6.00am to 9.00am they are served butter milk at 9.30am, and attend the first session which starts from 10.00am and lasts till 12.00noon where Sister Sujatha is sharing the topics on about sin, curse, how to break the curse, faith and how to pray etc. Then they are led to pray for their personal, family, blood relatives salvation and for the church and ministry. In their prayers they pray for their village, District, state and Nation also.
After the first session people are served lemon juice and allowed to rest from 12 noon to2.00 pm.
The second session lasts from 2.00 to 4.00pm Sister. Pushpa is leading and sharing about different characters in the Bible, faith, love, blood and Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. They will be praying for all the prayer points and also for all the Prayer request which we received from different places.
The Third session at 6.30pm is led by Pastor Vinod Kumar and he is sharing about the importance of the fasting, growing in faith and love.
In this fasting people are praying for their needs, for their people, for the church & ministry and for all the prayer request received from different places. And for the salvation and Revival in their District, state and Nation. They earnestly pray to God for deliverance from their sin, curse and from all the bondages of the enemy.
During this last lap of fasting entire congregation is participating daily evening 7.00pm to 9.00pm in anointing service, in one accord we are praying for great revival in Nalgonda and kurnool districts where regular monthly VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) MEETINGS are held and for the entire Nation. All the pastors, evangelist and God servants of House of Prayer Church-nlg and its branch churches have joined in prayers.

Worth is the Almighty to receive honor, glory and praise!

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