Tuesday 15 July 2014


Praise the LORD!
We thank GOD for giving us a wonderful, hardworking youngsters in our youth fellowship. On 08.07.14 we had a very good vidudala meeting at KURNOOL. The regular venue is changed to Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Bhavan, which is in the Centre of the city and can be easily reached. Our church youth Bro.RAJESH, Bro.Ranjith, Bro.NAVEEN and Bro.JAYARAJ worked very hard they have pasted wall posters in 36 villages apart from city area and distributed the handbills in almost in every church they could reach. We would like to specially thank the youth of C.S.I.HOLYTRINITY CHURCH, S.R.NAGAR, KURNOOL for booking the hall and helping us in pasting wall posters in the city in the night. Personally I would like to thank Mr. Wilson Moses and Mr.Uday Kumar for their tremendous efforts in arranging the meeting. The choir sang so melodiously, the songs were heart touching and made people to go emotional. I once again thank the youth fellowship of CSI church, SR Nagar.
Bro.Wilson made the opening prayer after the praise and worship Pastor David delivered the message of GOD, which was thought provoking and made the people judge their spiritual life by themselves. Pastor Sundar sang for the glory of our GOD preparing the people for final prayers spiritually. Finally Pastor David prayed for everybody.


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