Saturday 23 August 2014

Bro.Pascal's praise report

Praise the LORD!

Bro.Pascal’s wife Mrs.Rani was possessed by evil spirits since three years. She used to suddenly getup and scold the family members with obscene words and break the items such as TV and other items and she was uncontrollable. Bro.Pascal explained the agony he faced because of the situation at home. His business deteriorated gradually.On 7th march, She was brought to the church for prayer as they heard about the vidudala meetings and the awesome works of our almighty GOD.
Pastor David prayed for the deliverance and on the following vidudala meeting the family attended the vidudala meeting along with their daughter who had bowlegs and was not able to walk. At the time of prayer our compassionate LORD touched her and healed her. On 17th Aug the family came to the church in the evening and shared their testimony how GOD has delivered her from the evil spirits and the baby girl legs were eased ans she is able walk and run.The family is so happy and praising God.
The family stood infront of the audience at vidudala meeting held on 21.08.14 along with their lovely daughter and Sis.Rani shared her testimony to the public

Praise GOD for HIS miracles .


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