Wednesday 18 November 2015


Praise the LORD!

Normally people say that December is the month of Christmas, well our Christmas starts in the month of November. At the end of the year we are continuously busy. We celebrate in September anniversary of VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) meetings, in October church anniversary, in November we start our carols and in the month of December a grand semi Christmas is celebrated, there after regular Christmas service and new-year preparations. By the grace of our GOD we could successfully do all these regularly. Lot of expenses involved mainly during the month of December the church gifts new cloths to widows, old ladies, orphans and destitute.

45 villages are to be visited during carols, a team of 40 to 50 people go for the carols. In major villages, after prayer and worship, a folk dance drama is presented where the life of JESUS is narrated. Word of GOD is conveyed lastly we pray for the village and for the needy people. We go around visiting our church members houses singing Christmas songs and wishing them with Christmas greetings. We will be back normally by 4.00am next day. We have to hire an open top truck to carry the sound and lighting equipment and to transport the people. For every trip we have to spend around 5,000/- to 8,000/- rupees. Till now by the mercy of our LORD no body fell sick and GOD provided the financial needs. Now also we are looking at HIM for HIS support and guidance.

Please pray for the carols as we have already started. Please pray for fulfilment of every need. Please pray for the team of people going around the villages.


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