Friday 22 January 2016


Praise the LORD!

Here is a wonderful praise report which is shared yesterday during VIDUDALA ((DELIVERANCE) meeting. One sister came on to the stage to narrate how GOD healed her daughter when Pastor David P.R prayed for her. She said her daughter was suffering continuous coughing and she was not tolerant to any cold items such as cold water, ice-cream or cool drinks etc. Doctors advised the mother to keep her in warm condition even during summer time. The child is refrained from enjoying what kids like more, such as ice-cream etc. She was brought to the meeting and Pastor David prayed for her.

Now she is completely healed all medicines discontinued mother tested her by giving an ice-cream to eat. Here she is normal and healthy. PRAISE THE LORD

There are many more such healings where people are not coming forward to share.

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