Tuesday 9 February 2016

VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) meeting at KODAD on 09.02.16

Praise The LORD!

Time and again our great GOD used us mightily for HIS service. Yesterday 09.02.16 as scheduled , we have conducted the VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) meeting at KODAD town, In NALGONDA district under TELANGAN state, with an intention of conducting these meetings regularly on monthly basis. We left Nalgonda with total equipment along with our youth team to KODAD. Since the ground belongs to a school we could arrange the stage from evening 5.00 onwards and made it ready by 7.00pm.

Our advance party made the canvassing even though handbills are distributed many came to the meeting since they have been seeing our TV programme in their local channel. They said they were waiting for the meeting. Many came beyond our expectations.

Pastor Sagar made the opening prayer and our worship teams sang and presented the praise & worship to the fullest of their GOD given talent. We have faced a lot of problem with our system as you are aware our sound and other equipment need to be replaced immediately. Somehow we managed. Bro. Ezra shred his testimony. Pastor David P.R shared the word of GOD, which has made an impact on many people. He then led the people into strong prayers, in the prayer prophetically he told about some people who had financial problems, who had disturbed life at home, who has no children and many more. One lady shared her experience how her womb moved while Pastor David was praying. We are expecting many more praise reports from this town.

Finally Pastor Vijay closed the meeting with his prayer and benediction.

Praise the LORD!


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