Sunday 19 October 2014

VIDUDALA in Sunday service At Sion Fellowship At Vansthalipuram,Hyderabad

Praise the LORD

Pastor David was invited to share message of GOD and for healing prayers at SION FELLOWSHIP, VANASTHALIPURAM BRANCH, HYDERABAD today i.e19.10.14. He delivered the word of GOD and prayed for the people individually. Surprisingly many others have come and the hall was full and some of the church members stood outside to accommodate the newcomers. GODs presence was felt and all most everyone was slained under the power of prayer. People could feel the manifestation of GODs power.
We should appreciate the efforts of Pastor Prakash and his youth team (Joshua group) in intimating the people about the special Sunday meeting and arranging the snacks.
We thank our LORD GOD and Pastor Prakash and the elders of the church for arranging a wonderful service in the church.


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