Wednesday 15 October 2014


Praise the LORD !
The regular VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) meeting in KURNOOL was held on 14.10.14 at Dr.B.R.Ambdekar bhavan.For this meeting there were many obstrucles such as financial problems, man power problems, the venue problems etc., many more. However, its GODs will and we could overcome all the problems.

Brother Wilson Moses ,made the opening prayer. The Worship team sang very melodious songs involving the participants in glorifying the GOD. My vocabulary is so poor to explain their talent in words. ALL THE GLORY TO HIM for giving such a dedicated, humble youth to praise HIM. Pastor David shared the word of GOD. He led the participants into a powerful prayer. The closing prayer and the benediction is made by Pastor Sagar.

Pastor David prayed for the people individually. We could feel the powerful anointing and the presence of HOLYSPIRIT. Pastor David Expressed that he felt his right hand is heavy and the Bro.Shekher who was helping in the prayer told that he felt he is being lifted from the ground and his knees buckling.

One sister, who is retired head nurse said, she has been attending the meetings regularly and in last meeting held on 09.09.14 she listened about the forgiveness and immediately the very next day she went and reconcile with her son with whom she was not talking for quite a long time and now they are happily talking. PRIASE THE LORD

Please keep praying for the ministry as the days are getting tougher day by day for conducting theses meetings.


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