Friday 17 July 2015


Praise the LORD!

In every step of our life we should acknowledge the generosity of our awesome GOD.
This month the second VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) meetings was held yesterday at our usual place Town Hall, NALGONDA. Now it has become order of the day to see many new people coming with different problems and with a zeal to know more about our GOD. This makes us more responsible towards the ministry work and more sincere in our spiritual life.
Pastor Meshak started the meeting with his opening prayer and our worship teams sang for the LORD. Pastor Sagar made the announcements. Sister Saraswathi from T.K.Thanda, near Miryalaguda shared her testimony. She is very regular member of our church and leading a Christ centered life among her tribe. She was cleaning the utensils in the dark outside her house and she was bitten by snake, she went into the house to bring a light and see what is bitten her. The snake second time attacked her and bitten again. She alerted the people that she is bitten by a snake, they killed the snake. She went into the house and applied prayer oil prayed for three hours. In the morning she was taken to a doctor for checkup. DOCTOR SAID SHE IS ABSOLUTELY ALRIGHT THERE IS NO COMPLICATION DUE TO SNAKE BITE. “PRAISE THE LORD.”
Pastor David shared the word of GOD on how we must transform like Christ, backsliding, how Satan is changing us from being people of GOD to others. After the message Pastor David led the people into prayer. Bro.Vinod kumar made the closing prayer. Pastor David prayed to people for healing and deliverance. There were people who are possessed by ferocious evil spirits who were uncontrollable, and Pastor David prayed for their deliverance.


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