Tuesday 14 July 2015


Praise the LORD!
We praise and glorify our LORD GOD for HIS wonderful deeds and using our ministry to spread the gospel among the unreached places. On the invitation of Bro.Gabriel and Pastor Jayaraj, VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) meetings at RACHCHAMARRI village under MANTRALAYAM mandal of KURNOOL district ANDHRAPRADESH, were held from 8th to 10th of this month. We were stationed at MANTRALAYAM TOWN and we shuttled to the village for the meetings.
On the first day Pastor Meshak shared his testimony and Pastor David P.R shared the word of GOD on WHO IS GOD AND HIS DEEDS AND WORKS. He led the participants in to strong prayers. Pastor SolomonRaj made the closing prayer. There on wards Pastor David P.R prayed for the sick and needy people. Many were slain.
On the second day Pastor Meshak continued his testimony. Pastor David P.R shared the word of GOD on REPENTANCE. While Pastor David was leading the prayer many were slain in the public and the people who were possessed by evil spirits came running on to the stage and slain. Pastor Solomon Raj made the closing prayer. Pastor David prayed for the people who needed healing and deliverance.
On the third day Bro.Gabriel started the meeting with his opening prayer. Bro.Wesly shared his testimony. Pastor Sagar also share his testimony briefly. Pastor David P.R explained the word of GOD about the IMPORTANCE OF THE BAPTISM and HOW SATAN COMES TO STEAL OUR BLESSINGS. He led the people into prayers and Pastor Jay raj made the closing prayer. Pastor David prayed for every individual.
One sister who came on to the stage on second day was completely delivered from evil spirits. Another sister who was possessed by evil spirit was delivered and the spirit in her was saying it came to kill all the family members. It almost took 3 hours to drive the spirit out of her. Now she is totally delivered form the evils spirits and happy. THERE WAS A GENERAL TALK AMONG THE PUBLIC “WITH THIS MEETINGS OUR VILLAGES IS RELIEVED AND REDEEMED OF EVIL SPIRITS”
All the three days the local choir sang and Bro.Wesly sang few special songs. Pastor Sundar sang and prepared the people for deep and strong prayers to be lead y Pastor David. Pastor Sagar made the announcements. The hospitality is very good. Many people from surrounding villages came to the meetings. We heard that from one village everybody came to the meetings. Bro.Rajesh and Bro.Elisha who accompanied the team, actively involved in the meeting they were great prayer supporters.
We thank our GOD for using us for HIS mighty works. It is HIS grace that we are chosen by HIM.

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