Friday 18 December 2015


Praise the LORD!

After a long planning and hard work and strong prayers, our GOD led us to celebrate a grand SUPPOSE CHRISTMAS celebrations. It’s His grace we could conduct the celebration in spite of having many hardships. Even though we had no finances we started the work. We booked the hall, practised the choreos and skit, and invited the town’s high ranking dignitaries and political leaders.

The stage is grandly decorated for better ambience; a reinforcing sound system is hired. Pastor Solomon Raj started the celebrations with his opening prayers. There on our worship teams sang for the glory of our LORD, followed by the gracious choreos and meaningful skits such as 10 VIRGINS and the shadow play of CRADLE TO CROSS. Joint collector and other dignitaries were felicitated and Bibles were gifted. They have conveyed Christmas greetings to the public. The special guest speaker Rev. Prakash Rao J. and his wife shared the word of GOD. There was Christmas cake cutting by the dignitaries and elders. Finally CANDLE LIGHT CAROLS were presented. It was awesome to see the grandeur of the scene we sang RAKSHAKUDU UDAINCHINADATA song which a very old traditional song sung in all the churches during the Christmas season. Even though all the events are conducted to the glory of our LORD the audience enjoyed and applauded. A grand lavish dinner is served for all the people.

The hall was over crowded, we arranged TV monitors outside for the people who were sitting outside the hall.

Praise GOD for grand success of this celebration and pray for us so our GOD pours on us HIS abundant blessings to clear the financial dues with not much difficulty.

Every year the town folks expect new things from us our responsibility is increasing. ONLY GOD CAN EQUIP AND GUIDE US.


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