Tuesday 8 December 2015


Praise the LORD!

One family from THORAGALLU villages had been attending VIDUDALA meeting for the last four months. They shared their testimony as under:

The wife was infected with HIV and the newly borne baby also affected. It was confirmed by the doctor’s reports. The lady reduced to 25 kgs from 45 kgs. They heard about the VIDUDALA meetings and stared attending the meetings. They were regularly going forward for individual prayers. Pastor David prayed for them. Our awesome compassionate GOD touched them and healed. After four months the lady started gaining weight and when they went for check-up, it was reported negative and free of HIV. The family is so happy they came and shared their testimony through Pastor Sagar.

One brother from the village KANDIMALLAVAARIGUDEM, who is healed in the VIDUDALA meetings, had been sharing his testimony in different places. He came forward to share the testimony during this VIDUDALA meeting. He said that he had been suffering with a severe headache and constant dizziness. After a thorough checkup doctors told him that he need a brain surgery which will cost him around Rs.2.50 lakhs, which he cannot afford. He heard about the VIDUDALA (DELIVERANCE) meetings and came for the prayers. Pastor David prayed for him and our GOD healed him. Now he is perfectly well and sharing the testimony.



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