Thursday 28 April 2016

vidudala meeting at nlagonda on 21.04.2016

Praise The LORD
                The regular vidudala meeting was held at Nalgonda on 21.06.2016 @ town hall. Pastor P.Meshek started the meeting with his opening prayer. Our worship teams women’s boys & girls sang for the Glory of GOD and after Pastor Sagar made announcements. Three people  shared their testimony
1. Bro Saidulu came to vidudala meeting with sickness and many financial problems Pastors and vidudala team prayed for him in few days he recovered from his financial problems GOD healed him and gave good health to him. Now he became a contractor.
2. Sis Vajramma came to vidudala meeting with terrible  back pain Pastor prayed for her God healed her and her pain got disappeared. When she was in fasting she prayed for new house God gave her a new big house
3. On behalf of sis manga, Sis jyothi shared testimony- she lost her first pregnancy because of high sugar levels, doctor said  to abort because it is difficult for her  to conceive.  When she attainted vidudala meeting pastor prayed for her God healed her miraculously, when she went to the hospital for checkup doctors conformed through scanning reports that everything is normal by GOD’s Grace now she is 5th month pregnant.
All Praises and Glory to GOD…. 

Pastor P R David shared the word of God on God’s plan for our life then lead everyone into the deep prayer and prayed for all; meeting was closed with prayer and benediction.   

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