Saturday 7 May 2016

vidudala meeting @ nalgonda on 05.05.16

The vidudala meeting was held at Nalgonda on 05.05.2016 @ town hall. Pastor P.Meshek made opening prayer. Our worship teams women’s boys & girls sang for the Glory of GOD and after Pastor Vinod kumar made announcements regarding 10th annual fasting prayer festivals which are being conducted in house of prayer church
“People who are fasting for 40 days have to stay in the church then intermittently who are fasting for 21days, 14days, 7days, 3days people will be joining them. All their needs will be taken care by the church. Hundreds of people will be joining in fasting on the day of fasting break. Please pray for this event and also for needs to be met as the church has to take care of the participants.”
Pastor P R David shared the word of God on “no one serves the two masters and how to please God “then lead everyone into the deep prayer and prayed for all; meeting was closed Pastor Vijay closing  prayer and benediction.
Please pray for 40day’s fastings  festivals all needs to be met
ALL PRAISE TO GOD                                                     


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