Sunday 22 May 2016

vidudala meeting @ Gundlaphad

              Reaching the unreached people
             There was a special two days gospel meeting 16th, 17th may 2016 in a new village Gundlaphad nearly 80km away from Nalgonda district .on the first day of meeting Pastor. Vijay did opening prayer and prayer group women’s worshipped the LORD with songs. Many people came from surrounding villages and thandas through tractors and autos .Pastor David shared word of GOD he delivered salvation message on “Living a true Christian life” many people gave their hearts to JESUS CHRIST and Many were healed. During the seconday meeting pastor David delivered massage on “fear of GOD “All the congregation experienced the presence of HOLY SPRIT during massive prayer and many got healed of their pain, sickness, barreness, kidney problems, heartproblems, urine infection witchcraft power and evil spirit manifestation deliverances, tumors, marriage problems, debts our LORD GOD filled the place with his mighty power and love. At the end of 2nd day meeting we arranged dinner for all the people & pastors.
               Specially local pastors shared that Gundlapahad village is severe drought place no rain, no drinking water, no cultivation but through these meetings GOD broke the curse on these places. Amazingly after meeting next day there was heavy rains. All glory to GOD really people were so excited and increased their faith they wanted to have more healings and evangelism in their place.

            ALL PRAISE TO GOD alone we heart fully thank all the team members, youth and special thanks for local pastor & youth for their prayers & supp


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